Sprinkler systems: Our sprinkler systems will keep your lawns green and your gardens growing. We provide weather based sprinkler systems as a standard installation. Our belief is that the customer should have the option to operate their irrigation systems based on an on-site weather station monitor or by the owners program preferences. Weather based monitoring gives the owner the opportunity to substantially save on water usage while still maintaining a lush landscape. We use only the finest products from Weathermatic, Toro, Hunter, Rainbird and K-rain. Call 610-287-5202 and we will design a custom irrigation system just for your site. In the winter an irrigation system in the northeast must be properly shut down to prevent the pipes from freezing. No need to worry though, we will watch the weather and call you when it's time to shut down the system for the winter. In the spring, we can run a complete diagnostic test on your system and we'll make any necessary repairs and adjustments. We will call you when the time is right for this service to be performed. Tired of dragging hoses around and wasting water? Save time and money by having your irrigation system installed by a certified professional contractor.